Many of our customers are fishing boats, and for them it is essential that the fish stock is harvested in a sustainable way.

Smart Sea’s development platform (SmartStack) offers a highly flexible solution with significant possibilities. For the Institute of Marine Research, we have developed Smart Sea Fish for estimating the stock of mackerel and herring.

With modern RFID technology, we tag and release approximately 50,000 mackerel annually west of Ireland and the British Isles.
When commercial catches are delivered to reception in Norway, Iceland and Scotland, the fish are scanned, and information about the marked fish is transferred to the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research.
The system is also integrated with data from catches and biological samples.

An estimator automates the process of how much mackerel is tagged for each year class, and how much is scanned and recaptured for each year class in the years after release. This data is used by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) as a basis for assessing the fish stock and advising on quotas.

We have also developed specialized marking equipment and software for this purpose.

The system is now also in use by Cefas in Great Britain. Maktag

To keep track of tagging and catch status, you can visit:
You can find more technical details about the solution here: Smart Sea Fish – Smart Stack